Wednesday, November 28, 2007



By Richard E. Noble

“What are you?” they ask.
I’m an open wound, I tell them.
I’m a pain that will never subside.
I’m the pity filled tear in the corner of your eye.
I’m the sorrow and the sadness.
I’m the horror and the shame.
I’m the child that never grew up.
I’m freedom in your cage.

“What are you” they ask?
I’m the weed in your garden.
I’m the flower growing in the rock.
I’m the truth that you are unwilling to face.
I’m reality in your face.

“Who are you,” they ask.
I’m the beaten and the abused.
I’m the worthless and the used.
I’m what you were...
before you became what you are.

“But, what are you,” they ask.
I’m death and dying.
I’m old and weary.
I’m all the things that you would like to hide or forget... but yet...
I’m all that makes existence worthwhile,
for without me...
even you could never be.

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